1) Harrisburg, PA

Somewhere in Pennsylvania, lateral days, scanning the present green
pioneer level

somewhere, like off a beaten boat, into the wicked water, cold as
sometime this winter

somehow really basic and final, the rolling instant of hills where farms
were instant and people could only improve time

somewhere near the other end, Pennsylvania ignition, winter once will be

somewhere as an example or excuse, finding the way or going until

somehow, bonus weapon, stirred to the point of display, this being the
first place of all, a sort of ever, postured to everywhere

2) Glenville, WV

all to the tune of going down down. Deers parted, head from carcass.
Deer is the emblem, cozening factor, bushwacked: strange to say and
saying more. More to come as deer fall dead. Dead is mournful, simple,
called. They called on deer, they killed the deer, they traveled home.
The does are dead, the herd is dead, the deer are dead. Dead means
political unit in failing. Dead's a scheme: see, a tree falls, see, a
deer dies, see, the hillside dislodged for coal. See? This is the craft
of music, when you see words control the space.

But people are not simple, even choosing to leave the carcasses behind.
Loss is a function of having.

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