Amazon News
Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon

Amazon News is a weekly information service provided by, the largest bilingual site on the Brazilian Amazon region, in partnership with several Brazilian media.
Its publisher is Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon, a Brazilian non-profit and public interest registered organization.

The news this week:

New charges of land grabbing are investigated in the state of Maranhão
O Imparcial - 03/22/2006

Impacts of agribusiness are presented at COP-8
Estação Vida - 03/22/2006

Bill to permit mining on reserves will be ready by April
O Estado de S.Paulo - 03/21/2006

White men are accused of planting marijuana on indigenous lands
Radiobrás - 03/21/2006

Timber export revenue drops 27% in the state of Mato Grosso
Só Notícias - 03/21/2006

State of Tocantins: a new social and economic era
Jornal do Brasil - 03/20/2006

Indigenous peoples are to be trained to combat bio-piracy
Radiobrás - 03/18/2006

Recognition as a slaves' descendents community will reduce territories of traditional communities - 03/17/2006

NGOs repudiate statement of state deputy on indigenous peoples
Agência Estado - 03/17/2006

Company used slave labor in charcoal-making plant in the state of Pará
Agência Estado - 03/17/2006

Social organizations in Amazonia conduct campaign in favor of implementation of conservation units
Radiobrás - 03/16/2006

Forests Agency in Amazonas prepares to receive FSC certification - 03/16/2006

Conservation units in the state of Amazonas operate without the obligatory management councils
Radiobrás - 03/15/2006

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"Amazon is not just a forest"

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