ring of chrome zazen-sitting Chief Sitting-Bulls chiefly spitting bull..

one says, "Where's my Goddamn Berserker Doll??"

the others grumble,

"object based silly string"

one farts a blue flame through its naval..

an exodus of caterpillar from one chrome chief's left eye-socket
eventually yields a stalag might

mighty stalag
whose goo lag
isn't too bad
in fact mere seconds

a ricochet atkins baking

that space station
where oceans roll
drunk in June

drunk of spam power

you spam power amazes me

me amazeikonn'd by Ur-spam

your Zigg-your-at


you albino kybrrr-kynik-salamander-thing,
Obi-Bjorn Diogekenobinese with Viking Nudibranch Encyclopediaisbn
of Harvey Gemutlichkite-Tel-Asmar-Fjord-Fnord

i saw a knobbly nordic bush server
through a cock-eyed earth-biscuit-mind

i'm Buffaloed when you transform into the same next difference
after when now at or if but

~THE END (Shaggy isn't it..)

cyclone text display persona MAY or MARCH or april wants

April 1st in Player Piano with old "Hydraulic Chin"

> ...my name is former ...i presently reside ...i have been to son of
> work directly, owned by lodged, as will be carried you to you by
> through me to afterwards ...i shall be as well as a number on when i
> get you your full to act that this can be as desired ...you can below
> should you desire to ...you are strongly to keep in the all times

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