yes yes, but it's not only a 'fracturing' but a fractaling
in the erisian literature itself, you see the terms of 'order' and 'chaos'
reversed, a stance which subverts the notions of both, which is mainly 
literary/poetic i guess
but your notion "every integer is an eros" is already encountered
in discordianism with their 'every being a pope' theme which
privileges all by privileging none so to speak, the fact that
PHI is an irrational number yet one whose expression
can be found in 'nature' also seems interestin'

what intrigued me about this is the fact that the entire equation
just popped into my head. I just saw it hanging in space
as I drove to work yesterday, and almost even forgot to write it down.
Structurally I just thought it was a neat goof, the way it's not really
a division but a 'vision' and the result is a synthetic term visually
incorporating difference as an emblem which accidentally turned
out to be PHI, there's some other references to phi in protein science,
in visual studies etc, and you can't deny that love or eros plays a chaotic
role in most of our lives, sometimes ordering, sometimes disordering

anyhoo, it just occurred to me, thanks for thinking about it!
I guess that's about as math-po as I'll ever hope to get..

Sore  / Sire =  Θ (Theta)


the Ta! (for now)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bjørn Magnhildøen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: de vision

On 02/04/06, Lanny Quarles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

naybe maybe discordia = fracture, discreteness eros = sum 0, 1, 1, 2,
3, 5, 8, 13 ... every integer is an eros, a sum while the series is
eris how do we get 8 from 5 and 3? we don't everything can be split
up, or furthered into infinity if A then B but if you have A do you
necessarily have B? no you need another rule if A then B, and if (if A
then B) then B well this continues, discontinues every step can be
broken up and you will never arrive at B you could say analytics the
synthetic is the thing in the object/change or axiom/transformation or
eros/eris for eris everything continues indefinitely, it seems for
eros everything is a whole it seems but since eros is a sum it's
evident not true and since eris fractures 'something' it's not true
that it continues indefinitely so it's more like eris fractures eros,
and eros wholes eris, like in the series for each step it's wrong

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