Title: WWF News - April 2006

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Explore the Amazon rainforest
Kingfisher silhouette

Regarded by many as THE crown jewel of the natural world, the Amazon rainforest remains the largest expanse of its kind on the planet, the ongoing focus of exciting scientific research and discoveries... and the scene of bitter conflict and struggle.

Global heritage for some, home for others, and an untapped bank account for many, the region is under siege from fire, logging and other large-scale disturbances that all add up to major deforestation. Find out more

Stop climate pollution! Stop CO2

Power station

Global warming has become a shocking reality. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are the main cause of this dangerous change.

But concrete action can be taken. Over the first half of this year the European Union has the chance to reduce CO2. Take action now to cut Europe's emissions

Make a difference…and save money


Turn off equipment like televisions and stereos when you're not using them. That little red standby light means they're still using power - and that means a contribution to global warming. Turn them off and you help fight climate change and save money at the same time!

Read more simple tips on how you can make a difference in your daily life

Tell us what you think about the new look newsletter

As you may have noticed we have made a few changes to this issue of the WWF newsletter. Aside from the new look we will be featuring more stories based on the feedback we have received from you. We really hope you like the changes!

What do you think of the new look? Let us know

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This message was sent from WWF International, Avenue du Mont Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland.

Photo credits: Pechoro-Ilychskiy Nature Reserve © WWF-Canon / Per ANGELSTAM, Ringed Kingfisher silhouette at sunset in the Reserva Ecolôgica do Xixuaú © WWF-Canon / Homo ambiens / R.Isotti-A.Cambone, Power station © WWF-Canon / Adam OSWELL.

|© 2006 WWF |

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