Dear all,

Allan Kaprow has passed away.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Reid Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 6 de abril de 2006 02:06:46 GMT+02:00
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re:Allan Kaprow


Thanks for the information - sad news, as more and more of the artists who I feel connected to are leaving us.


On Apr 5, 2006, at 7:44 PM, Judith wrote:

Allan Kaprow passed away early this afternoon at home with his family around
He has been ill for about two years.  A memorial for him will be planned
later this year.
He has influenced many, many people, not just artists, and his memory will
be part of all
our lives.  We are diminished by his loss.

Judith A. Hoffberg

Kamen Nedev
c/Pelayo Nº38, 5º Izda.
28004 Madrid

(+34) 649 77 80 37

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