pandaemonian flutter of nudibranchingopalitchinensystemming
preludes the torn vue portal which gazes out into the immensity
of the virtual where

a writhing knot of illuminated robotic zeppelin snakes
are piloted by oracularfoamouthed telepresent assemblagedreamers
momentarily inhabiting thepilote' inscription puppets
which enact the enigmaknotting copulanalaugury
watched by the ophidiomantiseer surveillance drones swarming
like a fog of physical applets in the periphery

Oh, periphery!

Oh, Jade pelvis replication!

Oh vertebral image analogue!

Oh, supple orange fungiflesh which blossoms from jade micropores
and builds irregular cuboid apartment clusters along the pelvipede
where maniac emblems of pollenspoore fester in animated ikomorphogenesis
painting the inner walls with living frescos of momentary microfloral
pixellisations whose instantaneous and fast-forward evolutions blossom
into obscure elaborate phytomorphic lekking displays perceived as dreams
before being eaten as food by scavenging bands of gahongankappatentaculi
which flow like fumes from the eye-sockets of the bloodred totemitelephant
carbuncle skulls which form at either end of the jade pelvipede
pseudourobourikon whose tusks are honeycombed sulphur fuzzed in yabbling
waters brimming with sentient chemosynthetic krillionts worlding with
their palpspeeched fluttersluicings innumerable ikomorphs which appear
like rhythmic cascades of chromatic lace along the boiling sulphurtusk

soon to be harvested
by the 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine reindeer yeti lord
whose sacred body mycelium is the grandfather noise beard
of unfathomable black eternity itself a hyphae-hyphae in a greater
shag, in the elder Ötzi wilderbeesth whose ancient dangling cytoskeletal
galaxies seeth like oil in water on the mirror of time grunt radar apple
Apical Germ Pore Yoda in scotch tape mummy hand

Huff 3M Desk and Office Cleaner:

is the
  from jade in scotch ikomorphogenesis painting along the shag, in
pandaemonian flutter the elder evolutions blossom physical applets and
fast-forward beard of unfathomable form at hyphae-hyphae in which appear
like micropores and builds grunt radar pelvipede where maniac the
ophidiomantiseer walls with where a writhing gahongankappatentaculi
which flow pseudourobourikon whose being eaten microfloral
pixellisations rhythmic cascades of the oil in Office Cleaner... is the
emblems of lace along the virtual surveillance drones swarming like a
with sentient hand glub,glub Huff 3M whose ancient tusks are skulls
which lord whose sacred either end the enigmaknotting knot of
pollenspoore fester totemitelephant carbuncle of
nudibranchingopalitchinensystemming preludes black eternity the boiling
the mirror vue portal analogue! Oh, supple from the Desk and Ötzi
wilderbeesth of chromatic a greater seeth like illuminated robotic
orange fungiflesh pelvis replication! Oh whose instantaneous by
scavenging irregular cuboid reindeer yeti Pore Yoda water on zeppelin
snakes are perceived as worlding with their the immensity of
chemosynthetic krillionts puppets which enact dangling cytoskeletal
galaxies dreams before apple Apical Germ eye-sockets of out into
thepilote' inscription fog of like fumes as food of time of momentary
grandfather noise the torn oracularfoamouthed telepresent innumerable
ikomorphs piloted by vertebral image yabbling waters brimming which
gazes the bloodred the 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine tape mummy itself
a bands of which blossoms sulphurtusk chemoreefs soon to living frescos
periphery Oh, into obscure body mycelium jade pelvipede lekking displays
honeycombed sulphur apartment clusters periphery! Oh, Jade in animated
fuzzed in copulanalaugury watched by assemblagedreamers momentarily
inhabiting in the elaborate phytomorphic the inner palpspeeched
fluttersluicings be harvested by and fast-forward micropores and builds
the mirror zeppelin snakes are reindeer yeti being eaten like fumes
periphery! Oh, Jade of the of chromatic yabbling waters brimming of
momentary gahongankappatentaculi which flow fuzzed in irregular cuboid
Office Cleaner... surveillance drones illuminated robotic the immensity
of itself a the torn into obscure periphery Oh, dreams before seeth like
with sentient along the out into which appear like evolutions blossom
pandaemonian flutter oracularfoamouthed telepresent the elder lord whose
sacred apartment clusters where a writhing copulanalaugury watched by
lekking displays vue portal thepilote' inscription water on is the
chemosynthetic krillionts puppets which enact a greater pelvis
replication! Oh as food innumerable ikomorphs oil in pollenspoore fester
of time tusks are in scotch walls with microfloral pixellisations
emblems of grunt radar Ötzi wilderbeesth rhythmic cascades whose
instantaneous honeycombed sulphur the ophidiomantiseer apple Apical Germ
eye-sockets of the 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine hand glub,glub Huff 3M
from the the bloodred the virtual body mycelium living frescos bands of
either end assemblagedreamers momentarily inhabiting by scavenging
analogue! Oh, supple piloted by in the vertebral image skulls which
black eternity dangling cytoskeletal galaxies lace along Desk and in
animated the inner the boiling totemitelephant carbuncle be harvested by
which blossoms orange fungiflesh beard of unfathomable worlding with
their tape mummy whose ancient ikomorphogenesis painting form at fog of
Pore Yoda shag, in jade pelvipede pelvipede where maniac from jade
swarming like a which gazes pseudourobourikon whose the enigmaknotting
physical applets hyphae-hyphae in grandfather noise of
nudibranchingopalitchinensystemming preludes perceived as elaborate
phytomorphic sulphurtusk chemoreefs soon to palpspeeched
fluttersluicings knot of from jade
  yabbling waters brimming emblems of periphery! Oh, Jade the boiling of
momentary the inner Ötzi wilderbeesth jade pelvipede hyphae-hyphae
in puppets which enact of nudibranchingopalitchinensystemming preludes
orange fungiflesh innumerable ikomorphs the enigmaknotting living
frescos along the eye-sockets of seeth like hand glub,glub Huff 3M of
the walls with pandaemonian flutter irregular cuboid vertebral image the
torn swarming like a whose instantaneous analogue! Oh, supple the
ophidiomantiseer of chromatic apple Apical Germ Pore Yoda whose ancient
bands of like fumes in animated the bloodred microfloral pixellisations
fuzzed in worlding with their and fast-forward palpspeeched
fluttersluicings pseudourobourikon whose sulphurtusk chemoreefs soon to
with sentient ikomorphogenesis painting body mycelium a greater Desk and
from the rhythmic cascades piloted by periphery Oh, pelvipede where
maniac surveillance drones which appear like dreams before grandfather
noise fog of grunt radar knot of tusks are being eaten the elder itself
a from jade assemblagedreamers momentarily inhabiting the mirror in
scotch by scavenging lace along thepilote' inscription skulls which vue
portal lord whose sacred is the totemitelephant carbuncle evolutions
blossom illuminated robotic beard of unfathomable the virtual into
obscure pollenspoore fester gahongankappatentaculi which flow dangling
cytoskeletal galaxies as food the 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine tape
mummy form at which blossoms shag, in either end which gazes be
harvested by the immensity of lekking displays perceived as pelvis
replication! Oh out into chemosynthetic krillionts zeppelin snakes are
oracularfoamouthed telepresent reindeer yeti physical applets elaborate
phytomorphic where a writhing micropores and builds in the water on
honeycombed sulphur apartment clusters oil in Office Cleaner...
copulanalaugury watched by of time black eternity

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