Better scans and Topologocal icons for the Audacia-poem added to the badbad.jsp file at and some new words by Kathedral-Mother dear 9she's still nagging about the soap thing). I find them rather an interesting development.
The icons are also nice to make new poems with. You can't make 'm too fast though, because the meanings of the words tend to drop in and ruin things after making some 5 or six words. The trick is to hold on to the series established by the poem. Audacia's poems are excellent for this type of thing.
here's the K-M text, starting off with an T-icon triad:

awakes1  tibitre  seed


"awake bitter seed
for this we have learned:

all those dispositions
all those words

ought to be revealed
by those who are weighted
in the balance

& not by those
who have not entered therein,

but by those who have
entered therein

& departed therefrom.

For he who entereth therein
& goeth not out therefrom,

better were it for that man
that he had never been born.

So shut up, lest
you awake

the seed within you,





now where's the goddamn soap gone to? "
For me, the whole file's in memory of a friend who died recently of cancer after being clinically depressed for several years.
dv @ Neue Kathedrale des erotischen Elends

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