i have shared meingness... meanness with david u...

Some soundness would relate resound...
deafened, would i beat on you drums?
...misunderstanding chords are taught... and the cords
would... that song would stretch in my raised voice
in an out of line line... i am on eclectic string in kite charge...
pray I for justice... mercy me... grant not
meingness... surely measure out mercy and goodness
and wit that weights being... my blocking wisdom who
wears... of the crown consciousness which my philosopher
comforts... and curiosity challenges
my elfing embrace... can evasive imagination
ever? is there enough too much there for me
beyond i myself to escape would be selfness?

on 9/8/06 4:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  have i shared meingness with u.......  not meanness...........
> david

meingness        MEINGNESS

Would I escape Myself to be beyond
> Selfness?
Is ever, there, there enough for me, too much?
Can Imagination
> embrace my evasive ElfingŠ

Curiosity comforts and challengesŠ
> philosopher wears the crown of my ConsciousnessŠ
Who weights that Wit and
> Wisdom blocking my BeingŠ

Surely, Goodness and Mercy out-measure MeingnessŠ
> pray not for JusticeŠ Grant me mercyŠ.

Am I in line, on line, out of stringŠ
> an eclectic kite in chargeŠ
Would that my Voice raised in song would
> stretchŠ
The cords and chords are taughtŠ MisunderstandingŠ
Would I beat you,
> on deafened drums?
Would Resound some Soundness relateŠ
> lines in a sonnet?

david inkey, march 8, 03


There is a foolish corner in the brain of the wisest man.
 - Aristotle

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