dear bob, what a magical counterpost to my meinging.......david

it is a long stretch from beijing to rio.........but a friend in rio did a nice job of assembling my various poesis-es.........u have my permission to mandarinize the poem of life......
Click Here: Check out "David Inkey"

i met the poem of life…

this night, quite quietly alone,
when i left aside the guilds of strife.
i met the poem of life…
each menace does require some penance,
and each eve, many would me deceive…
with wit I reply, i wish not to hear your lie…

ever grateful that my day's daze is but a brief phrase,
when each night's knight whispers some praise,
then, i do believe i find quiet reprieve,
with modest shadows my self i do cover when i discover,
i grow in beauty, as beauty would glow in me…

the poem of life nights me…
am i to dream as a shining night?
some glistening stardust caught in humane form…
reformed, dis-aster being distance from my star afar…
this night, quite quietly alone,
when i left aside the guilds of strife.
i met the poem of life…

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