At night, the young boys play
their pipes... and the clear notes
carry across the still forest.
~B. Moser and D. Taylor (1965 on the Rio Piraparana)

Thank God there are no taxis in Aristolochiae, you
have to walk among the lurid-coloured flowers to reach
the great parasol which rotates over the plaza, a clock
which tells no time, somehow markless, or marking some marklessness with shapes, designed to diagnose and deliver an aroid glare: nurmala, nirmala, niskala nista nitis, noda, Noh (Noah)-noja.

The white Nuraga is a slave and party ship on the edge of the city,
whose boundary is a drunkard's walk, a solyman for gasping fishes
which float to the top to be netted by a plague of pythons, the emblem
carved from the fruitstone on the headband of the darning master, the daring
master whose revolting slave, Duroia Hirsuta, is thrown into still water
to affect the brie thing, Naut viam inveniat aut faciam.

Sock 1:

Brie thing, walk with me, the gold which you find in water blisters
like the silly street talk of cat lovers, who young typewriter has also
been called a Garden of the Devils.

Sock 2:

Black sock of Nike, the term demon should be applied only
to a spirit that may be defined as an individualized supernatural
being that is unique of its kind or is strictly localized to atom, word,
experience, body, shape, form, or sleep. Little men live in the spathe. Some you know, others may offer you the sandy caatingas
which are their languages, which cannot be taken raw, but must be
toasted, never burnt, and mixed with the ashes of mixing to release
their relinquishing, the living in the spathe, the bewitching of the tiny


The reefs of space are vast, wrecked paradises of artificial cubes,
whose beards of pink mucous look like Venice under the microscope,
tiny barges carrying dolls of opium into the hot spray of urinating 
Such is the sway of Canaletto's dirt dawbs, photographing the tropical mouths
of concystaunt crockery, the interiority of Tygers and the biogeography of 
predominant themes, rookhouse sliding with rocket, Locus nullus nisi in tempore.


Exploration initiated dramatic changes in vegetal and economic geography,
Boaz heroiclio constrictusk ab initio, changing your ways involves a serataph
of inchoative or inceptive verbs, iterative or frequentative verbs which have
renounced their paper thin religions to reassume the wicked faltering virtues
of the Brie thing.

Metazoons move through bedbugs into Metatheosophists, riding ancestral doves
through the omission of the sign of the present transitive, kambesken 
Tinmulkuntik steering the palative surd, the Wolfbane's wonder effect of the abominable earthman, a brand name sock with the heaviest heels available.




Raunchy Gronchi Graachi lifts the poecile corpilium, carries it
to the fabled Jerijerimo, and there floats it in the waters of the Rio Apapori,
the tumbling canyon of baggage, whose icaro mix, and don't mix,
Icarus, the wax-fruit Mestizo alights on a vine of clouds.

Carmine Wizards gloweround a bowl of grace
googling "Das Vermittlungsproblem in der Kunstsoziologie,"
opaque promptings of automatic processes.

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