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Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 09:06:21 -0500 (EST)
From: News of New Electronic Journals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Vocabula Review

Vocabula Review


Publisher: Vocabula Communications Company

Along with the evolution of language - the thousands of neologisms that new
technologies and new thinking have brought about, for instance - there has
been a concurrent, if perhaps less recognizable, devolution of language. The
English language has become more precise for some users of it while becoming
more plodding for others. Not a small part of this new cumbrousness is due
to the loss of distinctions between words, the misuse of words, and other
abuses of language.

That a U.S. presidential candidate can cry Is our children learning, an
admired basketball star can use the word conversate, a well-known college
professor can say vociferous when he means voracious, and another can scold
a student for using the word juggernaut because she believes it means
jigaboo is disturbing. The Vocabula Review strives to combat the degradation
of our language.

Equally important, we celebrate its opulence and its elegance. The English
language is wonderfully expressive and infinitely flexible. There are many
thousands of words and many hundreds of ways in which to use them. The
Vocabula Review seeks to promote the richness of our language.

In sum, The Vocabula Review battles nonstandard, careless English and
embraces clear, expressive English. We hope we can encourage our readers to
do as much.

The Vocabula Review - not meant to be solely a forum for our prejudices -
invites readers to submit articles about issues related to the English
language. In the spirit of thoughtful inquiry and personal essays, we wish
to encourage writers to submit articles about what they themselves think.
Well-written, insightful, creative articles are far more appealing to us
than overreferenced, overannotated articles. What's important to us is not
what everyone else has ever thought but a clear presentation of one's own
thoughts. Today, there are few opportunities for people to enjoy the freedom
that comes with writing for oneself and others in a nonacademic way. The
Vocabula Review offers one such opportunity.

We are also interested in publishing poetry so long as it observes some of
the strictures of scansion and musicality. We seek poems that have a
palpable form - but not so palpable, obviously, that the structure screams
louder than the words sing. We further want poems that insist on being read
aloud; their rhythm or rhyme demands they be read out loud. Finally, we seek
poetry that shows us something we've not seen before; we want some
connection made, perhaps, between things that few have thought to join.
Form, music, and insight, then, are what we are looking for.

ISSN 1542-7080

Editor and Publisher:

Robert Hartwell Fiske
The Vocabula Review
5A Holbrook Court
Rockport, Massachusetts 01966
United States

Telephone: (978) 546-3911

Content available by subscription.

Current Issue: Volume 8 No. 11 November 2006

Date: 8 December 2006

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