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Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 23:03:49 -0500
Subject: John Lennon's Legacy

John Lennon's Legacy

Jon Wiener

On the anniversary of John Lennon's murder (Dec. 8,
1980), I've been thinking about his famous argument with
Gloria Emerson in December, 1969 -- filmed by the BBC,
and included in the recent documentary The U.S. vs. John

Emerson was a celebrated war correspondent for the New
York Times who had just returned from the bloody
battlefields of Vietnam; Lennon had just written "Give
Peace a Chance" after he and Yoko declared their
honeymoon a "bed-in for peace"--they had stayed in bed
for a week, "in protest against all the violence in the

Emerson told him in her haughty upper class voice,
"You've made yourself ridiculous!"

"I don't care," Lennon replied, "if it saves lives."

"My dear boy," she said, "you're living in a nether-
nether land. . . . You don't think you've saved a single

"You tell me what they were singing at the Moratorium,"
Lennon shot back -- he was referring to the biggest
anti-war demonstration in American history, which had
been held in Washington DC a month earlier.

Emerson wasn't sure what he was talking about: "Which

"The recent big one," Lennon explained. "They were
singing "Give peace a chance."

"A song of yours, probably."

"Well, yes, and it was written specifically for them."

"So they sang one of your songs," she said with some
irritation. "Is that all you can say?"

Now he was angry. "They were singing a happy-go-lucky
song, which happens to be one I wrote. I'm glad they
sang it. And when I get there, I'll sing it with them."

The film presents the exchange as an example of the
mainstream media's relentless hostility to Lennon's
peace activism, and celebrates his put-down of Emerson.
But 37 years later, it's worth reconsidering Emerson's
question: did "Give Peace a Chance" save a single life?
Did the anti-war protest of 1969, or any other year,
save any lives?

Of course the Vietnam war didn't end in 1969, even
though Nixon had been elected the previous year after
declaring he had a secret plan for peace. The Paris
Peace Talks were already underway, but the American war
didn't end for another four years -- during which 20,000
Americans were killed, along with more than half a
million Vietnamese and Cambodians.

You might ask Gloria Emerson's question about the anti-
war demonstrations on the eve of the Iraq war, in New
York, Los Angeles, London, Rome, and elsewhere. They
were the biggest anti-war demonstrations in world
history, but Bush invaded Iraq the next month anyway,
and as of Dec. 8, 3,000 Americans have been killed
there, and perhaps 650,000 Iraqis, according to the
Johns Hopkins study published in The Lancet. Did those
demonstrations in 2003 save a single life?

Maybe not, or at least not yet. Stopping a war takes a
long time. But apathy in the face of an unjust war is
simply unacceptable. As Rebecca Solnit argues in Hope in
the Dark, you have to keep trying to win people over,
because you can never be sure the forces of darkness
will triumph, and because the most impossible things
sometimes happen.

Lennon did come to the US, and eagerly embraced the
steady work of anti-war persuasion and organizing. "Our
job now is to tell them there still is hope," Lennon
said at an anti-war rally in Michigan in 1971. "We must
get them excited about what we can do again." It was
hard to see it in 1969, but eventually the US did end
its war in Vietnam. And today the people who were
singing "Give Peace a Chance" in 1969 can be glad they
sang it.


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