The Actual Plan for the Matrix: Incommensurability, Harmonic Resonance, and the 
Religion of Technology

by Drew Hempel, M.A.

The below summary of crucial information is thus far almost completely unknown 
to the public at large.

1) I discovered that my concept of sound-current nondualism (see my Masters Thesis, 
"Epicenters of Justice")

was already developed by the Philosophy of Science Professor Oliver L. Reiser. Professor Reiser's Ph.D. was on nondualism and he then published a early concept of the superstring theory and its applications to social society called "World Philosophy." (1945) Einstein praised this work as the best example of a unified field theory. In 1965 Reiser published his manifesto called "Cosmic Humanism" inspired by Einstein's work. Harmonic resonance is the foundation of this work through the application of the "Music Logarithmic Spiral."

2) Reiser's book "Cosmic Humanism" was held in the highest esteem by a think tank called the "Institute for Integrative Education." This think tank was set up by a Forest Products magnate, Julius Stulman and its office was then located at the UN Plaza. It's Board of Directors included the family that directed the nondualist Theosophist Society and it also included scientists from Harvard and Yale. The goal of this Institute, as spelled out in their flagship academic journal, "Main Currents in Modern Thought" (1940-1975) was to review all prominent academic journals and integrate all knowledge to the goals of nondualist theosophy. With this in mind the journal had a very advanced interest in eastern philosophy, paranormal research, eugenics, higher dimensional physics and social engineering.

3) In 1936, Dr. Reiser, introduced and promoted the concept of "radio-eugenics" in the scientific Journal of Heredity. This entails applications of radiation for evolution. In 1945 Dr. Reiser was impressed by think tank founder Julius Stulman's article called "Applied Energy to Social Relations." In the 1965 publication of "Cosmic Humanism" that is highly praised by Stulman's Institute for Integrative Education, the concept of radio-eugenics is promoted in synthesis with the concept of nondual harmonic resonance. Dr. Reiser states that we learned from Hiroshima and Nagasaki that not only does radiation cause massive destruction but that even those who survive "the baptism by fire" have children with severe birth defects. He then states that unfortunately that is how evolution works and that hopefully with the proper applied harmonic resonance of radiation then a new human society and a new "World Sensorium" will be achieved. The "World Sensorium" of Dr. Reiser is based on utilizing the radiation of the ionosphere, amplifying it with high technology, and applying it globally to cause mutations. The effect is to achieve not only a higher dimensional reality but to harness the zero-point energy.

4) In 1965 Julius Stulman founder of the Institute for Integrative Education, with the recommendation of the UN Technical Administrator, sets up the World Institute, in collaboration with the Insititute for Advanced Studies at Princeton. The World Institute is to oversee the direction of technology for the globe and it advises with presidents worldwide. Meanwhile Dr. Reiser's work is published in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram newsletter and Sri Aurobindo's students propose that the future body of humanity will be radioactive (Letters on Yoga III). The Music Logarithmic Spiral is published in the journal "Darshana International."

5) In 1975 Dr. Reiser publishes "Cosmic Humanism and World Unity" (Gordon and Beech) as part of a series for the World Institute. This book calls the plan for the World Sensorium, "The Matrix" several times and states that, in concept, it is closest to H.G. Well's 1936 proposal for a "World Brain" to the Freemasonic Royal Institute for International Affairs the source for the Council of Foreign Relations. H.G. Wells was not just a science fiction writer, he was the head of British secret intelligence during World War One and he was the mouthpiece for the global elite policy makers. The World Brain was inspired by the NeoPlatonitic concept of the Matrix outlined by Professor John Ruskin, a favorite source of inspiration for the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

6) Dr. Reiser states that his main collaborator in creating "the Matrix" is Dr. Andrija Puharich. Dr. Puharich has been recently exposed as a top CIA funded mind control scientist focusing on higher dimensions and a high level Theosophist by Dr. Jacque Vallee (1974) and by Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett (1998). Both Puharich and Reiser called for the creation for a new techno-spirituality global religion. Dr. Puharich called the plan for the Matrix, "Psi-Plasma." He described the NeoPlatonic Harmony of the Spheres that, as elaborated by Reiser, includes artificial intelligence, zero-point energy, techno-samadhi, biological holograms, plasma and lasers, galatic manipulation of higher dimensions. Dr. Reiser explictly describes the evolution of the Matrix by stating that the Earth is an egg and in the egg is an embryo. The embryo feeds off the humans, animals and plants, as the ectoderm and entoderm of the egg, in order to create the new World Mother or the Matrix, the Sub-Stance or Psi-Plasma of Nondualism. Again unfortunately, according to this plan, most of humanity and the environment are seen as necessary costs to developing the next level of evolution.

7) Dr. Puharich was the main promoter of an elite nondualist secret society based on the Council of Nine -- a higher dimensional ennead that are considered to be aspects of the Nondual God and to be sources of higher intelligence. This Council of Nine is traced back to ancient India and ancient Egypt (see Prince and Picknett's "The Stargate Conspiracy" and Jacque Bergier's "Morning of the Magicians"). Central to the Council of Nine's secret knowledge is the connection between music theory, geometry, algebra and higher dimensional reality. As documented in "The Stargate Conspiracy," many prominent policy makers and society elite have been part of the promotion of the secret Council of Nine, including Gene Rodenberry, Al Gore, and Senator Clairborne Pell.

8) Through the Theosophist academic think tanks, several Professors have published research into the secret origins of this harmonic resonance higher dimensional knowledge, most prominently Eric Temple Bell, Johns Hopkins Chemist C. H. Andrews book "The Symphony of Life," and musicology Professor Ernest McClain. There are many others, including a Harvard geologist, a Yale physicist, and a Berkeley mathematics Professor, Dr. Abraham Seidenberg. Seidenberg has been given prominent attention in recent Advaita Vedanta research because he documents the origins of the Pythagorean Theorem as far back as 3,000 B.C. in Vedic India. In several essays in prominent academic journals, Seidenberg states that the concept of incommensurability or paradox of the infinite, was established worldwide through human sacrifice altar rituals that maintained creation through the cosmic separation of heaven and earth. (Note versus the union of heaven and earth by humanity -- the explicit goal of Taoist harmonics and OM nondualism).

9) The prominence of music theory in the issue of incommensurability and paradoxes of the infinite has been confirmed to me by recent correspondence with Mathematics Professor Luigi Borzacchini (University of Bari, Italy). Still unpublished, his paper, "Incommensurability, Music and Continuum: A cognitive approach" documents that a radical transformation occurred in science and philosophy with Plato and his colleague, the military general and mechanical engineer Archytas. Plato and Archytas were worshippers of Dionysus, the horned god of the underworld and chaos. The equivalent of Dionysus in Egypt is Set, a parallel to the forces of disruption or Satan in Judaism. The essential aspect of Plato's philosophy was the limitation of the Infinite Cosmic Mother into the finite geometrical Grand Architect or Great Geometrician of the Universe. This involved a conscious corruption of Pythagorean shamanic-yoga based on complimentary opposites of infinite natural harmonics (Pythagoras' 1:2:3:4 is equivalent to OM and yin/yang). The link between Freemasonry and Theosophy is well-documented in "The Stargate Conspiracy." Many new age gurus have been linked to the CIA and to these theosophist think tanks, included Drunvalo Melchizadek and Jose Arguelles who is the main promoter of Dr. Reiser's views.

10) The method of the Matrix is containment of the threatening natural resonance of the Cosmic Mother, then destruction, then standardization through dead artificial intelligence. The first example of this religion of technology is the creation of the square root of two. As the University of Nebraska Philosophy Professors, P. Hugly and C. Sayward point out in their essay "Did the Greeks Discover the Irrational" (1999), there is no actual proof for the square root of two! It is an illusion and a deceptive charm of "the power set axiom." The first proof that approximated the square root of two was the "squaring of the circle." The Vedic priests, as far back as 3,000 B.C., demanded that altars be patriarchal squares, and that matriarchal female circles were heretical. If circle altars were built they had to be the same area as the squares. (Dr. Seidenberg, "The Ritual Origins of Geometry"). The squaring of the circle is a central theorem to the Freemasons. The second proof that necessitated the containment of the Cosmic Mother was the doubling of the cubical altar. The gods stated, as far back as 3,000 B.C., that a plague could only be stopped unless this was mathematically achieved.

11) Archytas, the military general collaborator with Plato, faced the same Demonic Altar Plague problem as occurred in 3,000 B.C. Many scholars have written about the connections between ancient India and Greece, explicitly regarding Archytas. By combining the Pythagorean harmonic proportions with the geometry of India, Archytas was able to give a proof for the square root of two, that also enabled standarization or equal-temperment of the octave music scale. In otherwords this proof extended the Yin/Yang, OM, Pythagorean harmonics into greater dissonance by containing the infinite to a three dimensional object of geometry. The result enabled analytic geometry and inverse proportions, central to western science, to be achieved. Unfortunately the technology is inherently against the natural harmonics of reality. This is why equal-tempered tuning, although conceived in ancient China, was not allowed for the society as a whole. Also in ancient China it was remarked that those who know the 3:4:5 triangle, based on the Golden Section and the Major Third music interval, could rule the world. Any supposed "sacred geometry" that is based on the square root of two is really just a promotion of destructive techno-spirituality.

12) In my research I was able to reconstruct the secret proof of Archytas, that enabled the creation of western science from music theory. Professor Bozacchini also has discovered this connection. The retired Boston University geophysicst Gerald Hawkins discovered this secret theorem as well in his research of crop circles. Also John Worrell Keely apparently developed higher dimensional harmonic resonance technology based on the 3:4:5 triangle. Keely's harmonic resonance findings that demonstrated levitation, disintegration, energy generation, etc., funded by the richest man in the U.S. at that time, Jacob Astor, were concealed apparently by the Freemasonic Skull and Bones society according to a recent book by Theo Paijmans. George Bush, Sr. former CIA director, is a member of the Skull and Bones Society. The 3:4:5 triangle is the basis of the logarithmic music spiral that will be used to create the Matrix, according to the Theosophists and the CIA.

13) Continually throughout the research of the Theosophist analysts, it is clear that their goals can only be achieved by nondual mind-body yoga. Instead they are pursuing this goal through destructive technology and as both Sri Aurobindo and Swami Yukteswar both pointed out, nondualism can never be achieved through technology. Therefore the plan for the Matrix, although it may destroy the planet, will never be successful. Always-already the Cosmic Mother will be waiting to embrace those who practice shamanic-yoga nonduality. The conscious suppression of shamanic-yoga nondualism by Western Civilization, is documented by Oxford scholar Dr. Peter Kingsley in his recent book, "In the Dark Places of Wisdom."

14) Recent plans by the current U.S. administration include microchipping the whole population, called "the Bioweapons Defense Shield" by the HHW Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies. FEMA is designing new emergency detention centers to be located outside all major cities -- possible to be used for "techno-samadhi" Matrix states. NASA has advanced brain scanners to be introduced. Laser and plasma weapons will be featured in the next destruction of Iraq. Project HAARP plans to test, at full power, a vast electro-magnetic ionosophere spectrum through attennae in Alaska, Greenland and Norway. The Russian duma has warned that it could potentially destroy current near-Earth technologies.

OM Mani Padme Hum

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