In psychoanalytical terms, modern secularism is no release from the Oedipus 
from which Freud said religion was derived; it is only the transfer of the 
projections originating
ibn the Oedipus complex, from the world of spirits to the world of things. "The 
last figure
in the series beginning with the parents is that dark supremacy of Fate," says 
[Fate stood above the gods.], indicating the residudes of the parental complex 
in secular
thought. It still remains true that religion is the middle term connecting 
and society. If there is to be a psychoanalysis of money it must start from the 
that the money complex has the essential structure of religion - or, if you 
will, the negation
of religion, the demonic, which ~is~ like the role of the sphinx, a performance 
of paradox,
or a "possession by possession" / a feedback circuit, an aegis of the absent 
waters. The
psychoanalytical theory of money must start by establishing the proposition 
that money
is, in Shakespeare's words, the "visible god"; in Luther's words, "the God of this 
But take pause in the subspace to discover the body lingering like a paranoia 
even in
the names: Shakespeare.. Returning to Freud. Seminalismo / Perversion / 
and Luther like some transparent guitar or maker of guitarre, and back to 
Oedipus, to the
lutes, the rounded and resonating pods, the horned section of string.. money, 
death, god, and
psychoanalysis, music, or poetry, Art, already like dancing like demons in a 
stew trading
names, registers, meanings, like the water changes limbs, like the limbs 
changing the waters,
sacred, irrational shadows falling across the face of some specific absolutes..

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