Dearest Curs(e),

It has come
to attention [that]...

little magna minitree of the manes of Herme' Villachez,
no men can verify
his lapis observitory of non-tame Osso Buccal sac harness tendon seas
his Aus is enema English of the number rose's classical occurrency.

An infestation of Fathers in their jam-props will lettuce eradify.

An Invective of  Chordiguerra is chordata illuminata sea wreck, regal pupa, 
Britannia BBrittany Brittanniss.

Edification Mart. Prion servers in communion:

Art said thou mad, sad Fryer John, to run-on at this rate, this LATE TATE help 
in the name of five hundred thousand millions of cart-loads of devils, help! 
hepa! jepa!
ondele! arriba! may a shankara gnaw thy mouse-statues-cheese-o's [moustachios], 
the three rows of pock-royals and call-i-flowers cover thy bum and turd-barrel, 
of breaches and cod(e) piece. Codsouks our ship is almost overset. Ods death, 
how shall
we clear her? It is well if she do not flounder nor founder, the sea will oar 
take her, so we
will never escape key. What a devilish sea there runs! The devil escape me!

Sir Doubting Thomas Rogering Bond Moor in Res (media) pons to
Herme' Villachez lately of  A Chordiguerra in High Barley Portion Luckless 
motion of Brown Soda

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