Moving to a new place in the forest, grape vines wrapping the window. A hummingbird nest.
Lichen lined grasses.

For a few weeks I looked out the window to peer from a few inches into her progeny process.

The eggs were (_ T I N Y _) .
Only half that size ...
More like this  (**)(**)(**)

Three hummingbird chicks bloomed.

Another couple weeks and I chanced one day to notice her hover a few inches from my window to see in.

The last time she saw me was smiling.


On 7-Apr-07, at 10:53 AM, Bob Marcacci wrote:

listed this in another location a few months back... Alan's post brought it back... QT's still downloading... time to go shopping! i'll frapwhichy'all

the god of music and poetry
took the form of a hummingbird and descended
into the underworld to make love to a goddess
who then gave birth to the first flower

a hummingbird brought back a flower

the hummingbird gets smoke from a caterpillar

the hummingbird brings smoke to the shaman to purify

one man and woman became a hummingbird
and a red flower

in fields of spring flowers
he would approach her and whisper magical secrets

the hummingbird’s bright colors came after it
flew through a rainbow in search of rainclouds

a hummingbird taught a woman
how to weave a basket

hummingbirds are dead ancestors

the hummingbird is the sun in disguise
trying to court the moon

hummingbird feathers hasten rebirth

two hummingbirds were created
from feathers of other birds

a hummingbird pierced
the tongue of an ancient king

when people lived underground
the hummingbird found a path to sunlight

a hummingbird was sent
to find out what was above the sky

a medicine man turned himself into a hummingbird

the hummingbird zigzags

hummingbirds convinced the gods to bring rain

a hummingbird flew to the center of the earth
pleaded with the goddess of fertility

the hummingbird never lost
faith in the great mother

- words taken from myths collected by Larry Gates.

Bob Marcacci

Men are often capable of greater things than they perform.
They are sent into the world with bills of credit, and
seldom draw to their full extent.
 - Horace Walpole

From: Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Theory and Writing <WRYTING-L@LISTSERV.WVU.EDU>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2007 12:02:54 -0400
Subject: hummingbirds


hi-speed sl avatar hummingbird dusk moves; victoria configures the avatar,
duskdance still her, she dances vishamyati.

i don't want to live here any more. i dream of hummingbirds.


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