FW: I wondered why I liked digging for rocks, and gardening.
Depressed? Go Play in the Dirt
LiveScience.com Fri Apr 13, 9:25 AM ET 

Exposure to friendly soil bacteria could improve mood by boosting the immune 
system just as effectively as antidepressant drugs, a new study suggests.

Researchers exposed mice to a harmless soil microbe called Mycobacterium vaccae 
and had the rodents perform a behavioral task commonly used to test the 
efficacy of antidepressant drugs.

The mice were placed in a large beaker of water for five minutes and watched to 
see how long they continued swimming and searching for an exit before giving 
up. The researchers found that the bacteria-exposed mice continued paddling 
around much longer than the control mice.

"At the risk of anthropomorphizing, you could say the [bacteria-exposed] mice 
had a more active coping style," said study leader Chris Lowry of the 
University of Bristol in England.

Mice given antidepressant drugs also appear more determined to escape, Lowry 
added. The finding is detailed online by the journal Neuroscience.

Human test 
Results from the new study are similar to those from a medical trial a few 
years ago in which human cancer patients treated with the bacteria reported 
significant increases in their quality of life.

"M. vaccae is no longer being pursued as a treatment for cancer, because it 
didn't prolong life, but patients did report increases in things like vitality 
and cognitive function and decreases in pain," Lowry told LiveScience. 
Scientists still don't know how M. vaccae improves mood. "We don't know the 
mechanism. That's something that we would desperately like to know," Lowry said.

The researchers suspect, however, that the microbes are affecting the brain 
indirectly by causing immune cells to release chemicals called cytokines.

"We know that some of these cytokines can activate the nerves that relay 
signals from the body to the brain," Lowry said in a telephone interview.

Serotonin link 
The stimulated nerves cause certain neurons in the brain to release a chemical 
called serotonin into the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain known to be 
involved in mood regulation, among other things. 

"Only a very small number of neurons in the brain make serotonin, but they have 
massive branching projections to every part of the brain," Lowry said.

Scientists think the lack of serotonin in the brain is thought to cause 
depression in people. 
Previous studies have linked early childhood exposure to bacteria to protection 
against allergies and asthma in adulthood. The new finding take this idea, 
called the "hygiene hypothesis," a step further, and suggests bacteria-exposure 
not only boosts our immune systems, but alters our vulnerability to conditions 
such as depression as well.

"These studies help us understand how the body communicates with the brain and 
why a healthy immune system is important for maintaining mental health," Lowry 
said. "They also leave us wondering if we shouldn't all be spending more time 
playing in the dirt."

War on Bacteria is Wrongheaded Scientists Discover Gene Therapy for Depression 
All About Bacteria Original Story: Depressed? Go Play in the Dirt.

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