Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving, 
and revolving at 900 miles an hour.
And orbiting at nineteen miles a second, so it's reckoned... a sun that is the 
source of all our
Now the sun and you and me, and all the stars that we can see 
Are moving a million miles a day
In an outer spiral arm at forty thousand miles an hour
of a galaxy we call the Milky Way.

Bla blha blha blha blha blah.... ( two more verses hilarity)

So remember when you're feeling very small and insecure
How amazingly unlikely is your birth
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,
Cuz there's bugger-all down here on Earth

The Universe Song. Monty Python (...seems to fit, here Bjorn.)

And remember.... never part with your liver... At least till you dont need it 
any more.

Just singing to learn the tune and lyrics, all day now.... and it's coming 
nicely, I might add. 
Good luck with the Pico Pond!

--- ars publica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Picopond is a microfunding system for financing the net projects of
> Noemata. It's a nickel-and-dime operation run out of an exploration of
> ways of making a living from doing public domain, copylefted work on
> the internet.
> http://picopond.arspublica.noemata.net/
> With Picopond you can fund a net project by Noemata with a small
> amount of money. The funding is displayed on the project web site and
> appears as a one-line text or text-link. See example below:
> Funded by:
> Monty Cantsin
> Art Institution
> neighbour dog
> my mom or MoMA
> Net projects by Noemata are dispersed on different web sites. Funding
> information is generally available at the bottom of a project page at
> a web site. Generally Noemata keeps all projects online and publicly
> accessible. The funding information will be attached and displayed
> together with the project, whether as material for exhibitional,
> documentational, or archival purposes.
> Alias Noemata is the working moniker of Bjørn Magnhildøen born 1966 in
> Norway by his mother. Noemata has been active within net art and
> technology for a quarter-century, from mail art to internet art,
> 1982-2007 [1]. From this, Noemata has received prizes and funding to
> some degree but not enough to make a living in Western Europe. After
> having given up his regular job as a system developer in an insurance
> firm in the year of poom, around 2000, Noemata has been supporting
> himself and not from doing net projects within art and new technology
> (insert comma to disambiguate the sentence).
> According to EU's definition of poverty he's poor - below 50% of his
> country's average income; on the other hand this definition makes 10%
> of the population poor in one of the richest countries in the world.
> With OECD's definition he's still below the poverty line. As with
> other lines they aren't visible in reality; the only line we can see
> is the horizon - maybe that's why the sea symbolizes death, the only
> straight line?
> Anyway, who's he to complain? One billion people live on less than 1
> dollar a day [2]; he's a citizen of a rich country; in fact, he's so
> spoiled that he can work without being concerned about always getting
> paid.
> So what's the idea? In reality I'm not sure. We all need things to do,
> we need to do things. I was lucky to be born at this place and time,
> though I'm not sure that sentence has meaning. If I believed that
> everybody could be happy and content I would rather work in that
> direction than do net project, but luckily enough I don't believe
> that. On the other hand my forefathers were murderers, and in the
> future still the lamb won't sleep with the lion.
> Well, if you like some of these projects you might want to give some
> money to them and show your appreciation; maybe the schema here is
> sharing-similarity and a form of social networking in part - we all
> like each other, maybe because we all become more and more alike each
> other? Let's move on to the next paragraph.
> In 2003 Ars Publica was established as a means of exploring ways of
> funding Noemata [3][4]. PicoPond is founded now as I write this
> introductory text, or in reality, will be founded later, because the
> text comes first, as an alternative way of funding Noemata, exploring
> the concept of small-time microfunding of net projects, hoping people
> might find them $adjective.. By the time you're reading this, you, not
> me, ... Sorry, I just realized that there's a distinction between a
> writer and a reader of this text - I didn't realize it before now,
> which also makes one think ... What does that mean? When I read what I
> wrote, am I a writer or a reader, and what's the difference? It seems
> the difference is that the writer can edit the text, and that that's
> the only difference. That's also why I copyleft my projects and
> material and just leave it in the public domain; I don't think anybody
> owns it - once it leaves me, well, me leaves it also; it occurs to me
> this relation is less a parent-child type than a peer-peer type - I
> mean, like a writer has several readers for instance - one to one too
> many. As there isn't any aura around the artwork or the artist, I
> don't even care to finish that sentence properly. OK, you might edit
> this text, but you might not edit it while you read it. I guess. But
> then, when you edit it you have to read it - it's called writing. The
> writing is formulated. The reading is formulated. We approach the
> state where editing isn't the difference between writing and reading.
> Born to be alive. It was written to be read. It was read to be
> written. Alive to be born. I was born for nine months. There is no
> beginning, there is no writer, so to say. Every leaf grows as to get
> as much sun as possible; this defines the exact angle of the
> bifurcation. If there is anything it would be a reader. The sun made
> us. And the reader devours.
> Fine. As this introductory text comes to an end one gets the idea.
> Does that mean the idea comes last? How strange that would be. Finally
> we have the beginning!
> --
> Best regards,
> PicoPond - http://picopond.arspublica.noemata.net/
> Bjørn Magnhildøen Alias Noemata
> contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Notes
> 1. CV of Bjørn Magnhildøen Alias Noemata
> 2. Poverty Reduction - OECD
> 3. Rhizome.org : Welcome to Ars Publica - net.art commerce on the net
> 4. ARS PUBLICA – Curator Ana Buigues´ report. March, 2007


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