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Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 14:10:17 -0400
Subject: Physics News Update 821

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 821   April 23, 2007 by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein

TEVATRON*S HIGGS QUEST QUICKENS.  Physicists from Fermilab*s
Tevatron collider have just reported their most comprehensive
summary yet of physics at the highest laboratory energies. At last
week*s American Physical Society (APS) meeting in Jacksonville,
Florida they delivered dozens of papers on a spectrum of topics,
many of which are related in some way to the Higgs boson.  The Higgs
is the cornerstone ingredient in the standard model of high energy
physics.  It is the particle manifestation of the curious mechanism
that kicked in at an early moment in the life of the universe: the W
and Z bosons (the carriers of the weak force) became endowed with
mass while the photon (the carrier of the electromagnetic force) did
not.  This asymmetry makes the two forces very different in the way
they operate in the universe.
Validating this grand hypothesis by actually making Higgs particles
in the lab has always been a supreme reason for banging protons and
antiprotons together with a combined energy of 2 TeV.  Nature is
prodigal in its creativity, however, and the search for Higgs is
expected to be shadowed by the production of other rare scattering
scenarios, some of them nearly as interesting as the Higgs itself.
The Tevatron labors can be compared to work at the Burgess Shale,
the fossilbed in the Canadian Rockies where archeologists uncovered
impressions of organisms that hadn*t been seen in 600 million years,
including some new phyla.  No new phyla (no new particles) were
reported at the Florida meeting, but much preparatory work-the
necessary chipping away of outer layers at the physicists*
equivalent of a high-energy *rockface*-was accomplished.
to Jacobo Konigsberg (Univ Florida), co-spokesperson for the CDF
collaboration (one of the two big detector groups operating at the
Tevatron, the search for the Higgs is speeding up owing to a number
of factors, including the achievement of more intense beams and
increasingly sophisticated algorithms for discriminating between
meaningful and mundane events, a bread-and-butter issue when sifting
through billions of events.  Here is a catalog of some of the
freshest results from the Tevatron.
Kevin Lannon (Ohio State) reported a new best figure (170.9 GeV,
with at uncertainty of 1%) for the mass of the top quark.  Lannon
also described the class of event in which a proton-antiproton
smashup resulted in the production of a single top quark via a
weak-force interaction, a much rarer event topology than the one in
which a top-antitop pair is made via the strong force.  Moreover,
observing these single-top events allows a first rudimentary
measurement of Vtb, a parameter (one in a spreadsheet of numbers,
called the CKM matrix, that characterize the weak force)
proportional to the likelihood of a top quark decaying into a bottom
Gerald Blazey (Northern Illinois Univ), former co-spokesperson of
the D0 collaboration, reported on the first observations of equally
exotic collision scenarios, those that feature the simultaneous
production of an observed W and Z boson, and those in which two Z
bosons are observed.  Furthermore, he said that when the new top
mass is combined with the new mass for the W boson, 80.4 GeV, one
calculates a new likely upper limit on the mass of the Higgs.  This
value, 144 GeV, is a bit lower than before, making it just that much
easier to create energetically.
Ulrich Heintz (Boston Univ) reported on the search for exotic
particles not prescribed by the standard model.  Ag
ain, no major new
particles were found, but further experience in handling myriad
background phenomena will help prepare the way for what Tevatron
scientists hope will be their main accomplishment: digging evidence
for the Higgs out from a rich seam of other particles.  To start
with, Heintz broached but then dismissed rumors of pseudo-Higgs
*bumps* in the data.  The artefacts in question-the presumed
particle decaying into a pair of tau leptons-were of too low a
statistical stature to take seriously, he said, at least for now.
Other exotic particles not found, but for which there are now new
lower mass limits, include such things as excited (extra heavy)
electrons or Z and W bosons, extra dimensions, so-called leptoquarks
(which turn bosons into leptons and vice-versa), and supersymmetric
particles, a whole hypothetical family of particles for which all
known bosons would have fermion counterparts and vice versa.
Besides the consideration of having enough energy in the collision
to create the Higgs and other interesting particles, a vital
requirement in producing rare eventualities is possessing a large
statistical sample.  All the results above are based on a
data-recording sample of one inverse-femtobarn (fb^-1), a unit
denoting the integrated amount of scattering events up till now.  By
the end of the summer, the amount of data analyzed will be two
fb^-1.  By the end of 2007, the amount will have doubled again, and
by 2009 doubled once again (8 fb^-1).  For finding the Higgs, energy
and statistics will tell.

THE LIFETIME OF THE CHARGELESS PION, the lightest particle made of
quark-antiquark pairs, has been determined to higher levels of
precision in a new experiment at Jefferson Laboratory in Virginia.
According to experimentalist Liping Gan (Univ of North
Carolina-Wilmington), speaking at the APS meeting, the neutral pion
lifetime is one of the few quantities that can be directly
calculated (to about 1% precision) in quantum chromodynamics (QCD),
the theory of the strong force, which holds together quarks and
quark-containing objects.  In Jefferson Lab*s Primakoff Experiment,
the researchers aim a gamma-ray beam at nuclei, which perpetually
has a cloud of photons around it.  Through a phenomenon known as the
Primakoff effect, two photons (one from the target nucleus and
another from the photon beam) interact and make a chargeless pion,
which decays into two daughter photons.  Measuring the daughter
photons reconstructs the details of the decay and provides lifetime
information about the pions. The new experiment is more precise than
past Primakoff effect experiments because the incident photons
(produced from the deceleration of Jlab*s electron beam) are
"tagged," meaning that the researchers can keep track of the numbers
of incoming photons hitting the nuclear targets, as well as their
energies.  When the photons emerge from the decay, an advanced
calorimeter (called HyCal) is able to measure the daughter photons'
trajectories and energies to high precision.  Ashot Gasparian of
North Carolina A&T State University said the calculated lifetime of
the pion is 82 attoseconds with about a 2.9% error
[(8.20+/-0.24)x10^-17 sec].  The new, preliminary result is two
times more precise than the present value published in particle data
tables [8.4+/-(0.6)x10^-17s], and the precision can potentially
double as researchers analyze all of their data and finalize their

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