
Fodder of dead hours
indifferently humid
between my legs. 

The dumb penumbra moans 
in the inky shade of my fingerprints 
unravelling the buttocks of the corpse
in the warp of dusk.

The curve of a voice resonates 
in the winter light of my ashes:  bulbs and bones 
under the stupor of the frozen sundial.

What immovable thing ignites 
the petal in a discharge of silence?

A blood-stained potbelly  
is my laser leaf of solitude.

To abruptly smell the anus 
of the tremulous sun, 
as if by 

ear of dawn, verbal glance, kiss of zero,
star scar, paten patina, dust fuse, veins of twilight, 
nocturnal entrails, rabid aurora of pretexts,
wrinkled adjectives, drizzle of fulgor in the corroded night.

--Bob BrueckL

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