Holocaust Writing, Art,  <http://www.wsherc.org/writingcontest/contest.aspx>
& Digital Media Contest!

Send in your entries!  
Deadline - April 19


Contest is open to students in grades 5-12 in the Pacific Northwest
(Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska). Submit entries now through April
19, 2013. Winners will be awarded at a community program in Seattle on June
9, 2013. Sponsored by the Washington State Holocaust Education Resource


Contest Theme  <http://www.wsherc.org/writingcontest/contest.aspx> &


Print-Friendly Flyer <http://www.wsherc.org/PDF/WritingArtContest2013.pdf> 



"This contest gave my students the opportunity to be recognized for their
thoughtful work. It was a great way for them to connect the lessons to their
own lives."
- Teacher



Ilana Cone Kennedy
Director of Education
Washington State Holocaust Education Resource Center
ila...@wsherc.org | 206-774-2201 | www.wsherc.org


urce-Center/140140310737> Like us on Facebook!



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