Call for Proposals!

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WSCSS 2014 Fall Inservice

October 11, 2014

Edmonds Woodway High School


Theme: Global Issues, Local Connections

The Social Studies help students to understand the world and to develop the 
skills necessary for active citizenship.  Students in history, civics, and 
contemporary problems courses learn how their society and societies from other 
places and times work.  They may study opposition to dam building in the Amazon 
or weigh the arguments for dam removal in the Columbia River Basin.  They may 
dig deep into the cultural and historical roots of Uighur defiance of Chinese 
assimilation policies, or they may investigate varied perspectives on tribal 
sovereignty in Washington State.  Stories from their own communities engage 
kids.  People from their own hometowns model how to act as citizens on any 
scale, from lobbying a school board to joining a worldwide consumer activist 
campaign. This year, the WSCSS Fall Inservice will highlight such Global Issues 
and Local Connections.


Call for Proposals Please submit your proposal online using this form.

The WSCSS welcomes proposals for 70 minute workshops. Preference will be given 
to sessions that incorporate one of the following strands:

Common Core State Standards—Districts will expect teachers to understand and 
incorporate the new standards in their classroom practice.  How can social 
studies teachers effectively teach the Common Core?

Global Issues—How does our world work?  What should the future leaders and 
citizens of communities local and international understand?

Washington State—How can teachers utilize local studies and resources to engage 
students in investigating and deliberating important issues?



Presenters and general information: Ed Puchalla at

Vendors and Exhibitors: Jennifer Ligot at

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