On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 6:16 PM, David Dorward <da...@dorward.me.uk> wrote:
> On 4 Feb 2010, at 03:29, Joshua Street wrote:
>>> The prefix may be "part of it" to address parsing issues, but - afaik - that
>>> does not make these extensions CSS properties.
>> Indeed - yet therein lies the frustration at the validator failing to
>> correctly parse as per spec.
> The validator does correctly parse as per the spec. The spec defines a way 
> for vendor prefixes to exist without conflicting with anything in CSS, no 
> more. This makes them part of the grammar, not the vocabulary, and the 
> validator checks both. The CSS 2.1 specification says "Authors should avoid 
> vendor-specific extensions".

I agree vendor-specific extensions do not constitute acceptable
vocabulary, but as the specification allows a grammatical means for
their inclusion it seems counter-productive to flag them as errors.

The specification assures authors and vendors that "An initial dash or
underscore is guaranteed never to be used in a property or keyword by
any current or future level of CSS" - and, accordingly, they are (and
will remain) grammatically permissible / safe for use. The imperative
to avoid these extensions lacks explanation and, while this list is
(by virtue of our name!) perhaps not the place for such views, seems
to stem from the desire to preserve the appearance of standardisation
rather than maximising the utility and flexibility of the standard in

As a counterpoint to this, of course, using standards-compliant
techniques to achieve an outcome will more successfully preserve
interoperability into the future. However, I would assert the advice
to "avoid vendor-specific extensions" should be constrained by this,
rather than suggesting that a guaranteed future-compatible (albeit
potentially no longer functional, contingent on ongoing vendor
support) identifier should be avoided unswervingly.

So I guess my problem is with the language of the specification as
much as with the validator - but I feel there is probably enough
ambiguity in the specification around this (i.e. why introduce a
feature only to advise authors to avoid implementations applying this
feature?!) that the validator should, on the basis of grammar, accept
flexible vocabulary following this dash (-) or underscore (_) prefix.

There are good, pragmatic reasons for both approaches - but erring on
the side of flexibility here does nothing to damage the abilities of
compliant user-agents, or the fabric of the standards-based web.
Particularly in seasons where we wait for finalisation of good and
important features into usable, non-draft-form standards, the
validator's interpretation remains unhelpful.

Josh Street

+61 (0) 425 808 469

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