Other question: if a windows XP style is applied to the input field by the OS can CSS override it?
If I want exactly the same effect as the default style on the input field, i.e.
1. left 1px R128 G128 B128
2. top 1px R128 G128 B128
3. left 1px R64 G64 B64
4. top 1px R64 G64 B64
5. bottom 1px R212 G208 B200
6. right 1px R212 G208 B200
7. bottom 1px R255 G255 B255
8. right 1px R255 G255 B255
But only want 6 and 8 to red, can it be achieved?
Or did I lose everybody again? ;-)
And I was aware that you can't alter the SELECT box, which is a real bummer!
-----Original Message-----
From: James Ellis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 10 November 2003 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Style to create input field look?

Windows XP or otherwise?

XP themes determine the style of button and widgets... styling them with CSS will alter buttons but not drop down widgets.
This is in contrast to Safari which doesn't allow you to alter the default button aqua style (to my knowledge).

I'm a bit lost here as well. If you don't want to style the fields and widgets then don't put a selector against them - this will allow windoze to set the default style?


Taco Fleur wrote:
this one did the trick, cheers.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lindsay Evans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, 10 November 2003 11:27 AM
Subject: RE: [WSG] Style to create input field look?

Taco Fleur wrote:

What I meant was, how to recreate the default look of the input
field. For example take a input field and do not apply any CSS to it,
it the look
I want to recreate exactly the same. And not by not applying a
style to it.


input {
	border: 2px inset threedface;
	background-color: window;
	color: windowtext;

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