I've used XSLT (and XSL:FO) to build small/medium/large "3rd party" web applications and the odd website since 2000. My experience is completely opposite to yours; my brushes with XSLT have all been happy ones.

I recently asked a company for which I worked on 3 such applications in 2001/2002 if they were still glad they went with that technology -- the answer was an overwhelmingly positive yes. They have built several more apps this way since.

I had asked the question of them specifically because I had seen the language bad mouthed in many places recently where comments were at odds with my experience or simply unexplained.

What problem/s did you have?

Cheers, Chris.

On 27/11/2003, at 5:34 PM, Brendan Smith wrote:

Now run and hide! 'Cause XSL never leaves you alone... it hangs around for years like a bad smell.

I'll never use XSL again for the generation of a dynamic site. I might use it in passing here and there, but it makes for such a legacy item.

I'm really keen to hear from others in the field, if only to see if the bad taste was just my orange juice and toothpaste again.


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