Hey Chris

As people have mentioned scroll bar colouring is not part of the W3C spec
yadda, yadda......

My 2c, personally I don't like changing scroll bar colours and other aspects
of the user's "environment", but for certain clients we will do it. It
doesn't have any detrimental effect in other browsers so it really comes
down to the target audience and the job in question.

The background for *why* this isn't in the spec goes something like this:

1) CSS is designed for controlling the presentation of a document not of the

The scroll bars are browser widgets (like drop boxes), title bars and menu
items. They are not part of the document itself. "But what about
overflow:auto?" Its a fine line but that's where they drew it, text inputs
are part of the document, but drop boxes (<select>) are kinda half part of
the document and half part of the browser or OS.

I believe that leaving the Browser/OS environment untouched is a good thing
about 99% of the time. Some users tend to get confused when you do something
as simple as change the scroll bar colours - the logical link between what
they are seeing and what they are able to do is suddenly lost on them.

2) Who said anything about scroll bars? Assuming that scroll bars actually
exist in your users environment is kind of against the whole concept of CSS
and web standards. There are numerous user agents that don't have scroll
bars and I think there are likely to be more in the future.

Screen readers, some text only browsers and futuristic 3D browsing
applications with matrix like widgets all come to mind.

Anyway... go for it if you like but you won't sneak past the validator.
Could you perhaps do this in JavaScript (Lindsay?). I think JS is probably a
better place for messing with the browser than CSS.



Mark Stanton
Technical Director
Gruden Pty Ltd
Tel: 9956 6388
Mob: 0410 458 201
Fax: 9956 8433

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