We don't have to agree at all, but here's my point.  A lot of users are 
*not* dumb.  They realise that links aren't always underlined with blue 
text.  They realise that buttons may not always look like what they're 
used to -- this is good for you.


Agreed, a lot of users are not dumb, so they also understand that its a button even 
when on mouseover the cursor turns into a hand|pointer, so it would be more wise 
(IMHO) to think about that % that is not so familiar with the web.

In your own oppinion, do you think a new internet user or inexperienced user would 
understand that he can click the button when it turns into a hand|pointer or when the 
cursor does nothing when moving over the button?

I have seen people style buttons so that they blend in with the whole desing, see 
http://www.zeldman.com scroll to the bottom, see that button, if the cursor changed on 
mouse-over it would have been much clearer that its a clickable object. 
To me anyway.


However, the majority (guess only) of webpages the user visits are 
styled with default buttons.  Even if only 25% of sites are using 
default buttons, it's still a SIGNIFICANT NUMBER more sites that your 
ONE INTERFACE which is different.


Not sure what your saying here?


So they visit your site, with buttons that are styled differently -- no 
matter how insignificant the task appears, the user still has to 
*learn* your interface (and *remember* it) -- which is a task my 
websites will not (generally) ask them to do too much of.


Exactamento! A user always has to learn the interface, buttons can always be 
different, so what IF the cursor ALWAYS turned into a hand|pointer how much quicker 
will they understand your interface?


You seem to be proposing a 'developer recommendation' (to be taken up 
by some developers), whereas I'd much rather follow a 'w3 
recommendation' (which all standards compliant browsers and developers 
will follow).


Not proposing anything, just want to hear the opinion of other people on this matter, 
see if there is a valid point that will make me think otherwise about my opinion ;-)) 
Just because I have an opinion doesn't mean its the right one - therefore I like to 
debate it...


Sorry for the long post!

Justin French

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