Chris Blown wrote:


After reading Dave Shea's "Friday Challenge" and all the various
solutions posted in response, I decided to have a play with this idea
too. Ryan Brill's negative margin method works well across browsers, and
I used this method while experimenting.

/* Triple checked link ;) */

I had an attempt at getting 100% height working on this one, but gave
up, since using a fixed, fluid div combination, horizontally and
vertically seems to be more trouble than its worth. Especially using
negative margins ( seems slightly hack worthy ) Not to mention the
problem of content overflowing the content div when its larger than the

Not sure how you get around this without using min-height set to 100%
but only Opera and Mozilla seem to care here. Anyway my obsession with
100% height still remains ;)

Hello Chris,

which element should get 100% height? A column relative to another column or the whole layout relative to the viewport?


-- Tonico Strasser ?:-)

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