I played with it a little and here's what I got. The horizontal nav bar needs some tweaking, although I don't think it's possible to do much about the small left area that's not covered on hovers. I got it as close as possible in Safari & Firebird, have no clue about IE on the Win side as my test station is down at the moment.

It does have a major issue on IE5 Mac though, but should be fixable if you try.

Here's a link to the changes I made:


On Feb 11, 2004, at 13:54, Michael Donnermeyer wrote:

On Feb 10, 2004, at 23:56, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here is the site: www.desertstandard.net/YV/

The first problem is with the main horizontal nav bar. I need it to sit about 3 to 5px's from the purple header and it needs to be centered on the page. Client wants it to look like their brochure of course. I have put a orange bar on the background for reference. I cannot get it to sit there on the latest versions of all the browsers and I am having trouble with the centering.

The second problem is with the sub nav menu in the Classes section. In IE 6 it keeps 'bouncing' up and down and I obviously only need it to sit still.

Any suggestions are appreciated. I am close to scraping it and using tables.


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