
Probably because Firefox/bird and Camino etc browsers are all built/branched off the same standards compliant engine. Firefox 0.8 is built off Mozilla 1.6 - "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040207 Firefox/0.8" which is in turn built off Gecko. If it was its own engine, then yeah sure don't build for it as a beta. - see how 1.0 will be branched off the Moz 1.7 code.

I agree that it's a beta release and we should be careful about doing things with it (betas change abruptly - just look at how the Extensions Manager broke in FF0.8 ) but viewing a site in Firefox 0.8 is very close to using Mozilla 1.6 (or Netscape 7 without the guff).


The bugs seen are more likely to be application level than standards compliant level.

Peter Firminger wrote:

Yes, it's great to check on all possible but anyone spending any amount time
on "other browsers" like firefox and camino simply amazes me. They're
pre-release (developer) browsers or "Technology Previews" in their own
words. The public aren't using them (or if they are they have already been
told not to expect them to work flawlessly). If they were finished (and
bug-free) they would be at version 1.x and would be promoted as the next
commercial release browser. At that point I would add them to my "Must Work
in production" category. Mozilla 1.6 is the current public release.

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