
Why won't the content sit up where it should here http://www.healthpoint.com.au/new2.php want the stuff that starts home >> new2 to sit up in the middle there and it just won't!! driving me nuts, nuts, nuts.

It won't sit up there because all the content you want to sit beside that floated "navinsert" are block level elements with widths of 100%.
ie: (150px + 100%) width does not fit into the 100% width of the parent container.

That's why the content wraps below. Sounds dubious? Add "display:inline;" to your H2 and it will jump straight up there.

As for a fix, your wrapping container is fixed width, so enclose all your middle content in a div that is 800px-(side columns widths) wide and float this left.



Note: Your container is set at 800px wide. If you're targeting PC 800x600 minimum screen resolution, this should be 770px max, to take into account browser chrome and scrollbar.

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