Hi Lorenzo,

Firstly thanks for joining! You wrapped up one of the two continents we were
missing in our members. Only Antarctica to go now (I think?).

You could try looking at the document on



PS: While I'm at it a quick member country count...

Australia 156
Austria 2
Belgium 6
Brasil 8
Canada 8
Denmark 3
Espaņa 6
Finland 1
France 1
Germany 11
Iceland 1
India 3
Indonesia 1
Iraq 1
Italy 5
Jordan 1
Netherlands 1
New Zealand 5
Philippines 2
Poland 1
Portugal 1
Russia 2
Scotland 1
Singapore 2
Slovenia 1
South Africa 1
Sri Lanka 1
Sweden 3
Switzerland 1
The Netherlands 2
UK 19
Ukraine 1
USA 51

Total 309 members in 35 countries

> Hi all,
> I realise this may not be 100% relevant to this discussion
> group, but is there
> some kind of standard for email html design?
> I refer specifically to techniques that allow for graceful
> degradation when a
> newer feature (e.g. CSS2) isn't supported by an email client.
> I've spent some time searching online, but can't find
> anything comprehensive
> on the topic.
> Any help appreciated.
> - Lorenzo

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