Jackie Reid blurted out:
Manuel Gonzlez Noriega wrote:

b) doesn't work well for multi-paragraph questions or answers.

scuse my ignorance but is it not ok to this:
<dl><dt>first bit</dt>
       <dt>next bit</dt>
       <dd>first bit</dd>
       <dd>next bit</dd>
       <dd>and another bit</dd></dl>

While that would be fine, I personally would prefer: <dl> <dt> <p>first bit</p> <p>next bit</p> </dt> <dd> <p>first bit</p> <p>next bit</p> <p>and another bit</p> </dd> </dl>

I prefer this because doing it in the form of multiple <dt>s or <dd>s in a row loses a bit of the cohesiveness of the back-and-forth nature of a conversation. Mostly it is a matter of taste.

I also really liked the way that Lea mentioned. I didn't think about doing it that way, but it seems really natural.
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