www.google.com is just as valid in e-mail as http://www.google.com or even

In fact I'd be surprised to find a web browser or e-mail program that does
not support it.

I guess it is like the word "ain't." Remember "ain't ain't a word cause it
ain't in the dictionary." Well sorry to say, but it is and it is recognized
and accepted slang by all but the purists.

Darian, BTW, (and I am updating all of my pages to reflect this as well)
your W3C CSS button would be better served if it pointed to the following
URL - http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer - as it shows the
validation results rather than having to figure out where to go after you
get to the default page as your current link
http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ does.

Granted us "pros" know what to do, but that "computer-ignorant" user out
there that may actually be impressed and won over as a client with such
validation may get lost on the page. Remember keep it simple because there
is always a better idiot out there to break the idiot proof system!


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