Title: How do I start a group in a city
Hi Brian,
There would be no real need for a domain and local website as you could post your meeting notices, presentation materials etc. on the WSG site giving you exposure to others that may happen along later. That is unless you didn't want it to be a WSG meeting :-)
I have added a link to a table showing all member cities, states and countries with a first name only to protect people's privacy. This is ordered by country, state, city (so you may want to adjust your details in the database to normalise the data in spelling, abbreviation etc).
You can get to it from the bottom of the members page just above the Country/Member count.
We can put you in contact with others in your area to discuss a potential meeting if you like. We make the initial contact and only share the details of people wishing to participate so your privacy is assured. Let us know off list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
It really is worth the time to get together for an evening every 6 or 8 weeks. Having been to every meeting so far (Sydney and Melbourne) I have never been bored or disappointed, and I'm not the socialising type!

I think it would be interesting to say the least and at least a good reason to invite others over to bring the beer once a month and discuss web stuff - so how does one go 'bout starting up a local group. AS I run my own servers, I have the domain space to donate and can likely swing the $10 for a .org domain. So that end is covered.


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