I dont know what you mean by that?

but yeah.
the tabs are seperated only with a margin...
but i tested it out on IECapture and ICapture and it looks great on them all so far!
Chris Stratford

Tonico Strasser wrote:
Chris Stratford wrote:

Hey everyone,

I have just completed my own Tab layout style in CSS...
Sorry I didnt really develop it for show - I didnt even plan it...
Like most of my work, it just sort of happened...


dont mind the content.
what do you all think?

I had to use a sort of hack to get around some parts.
And PHP is needed to know which is the active tab etc...

let me know what you think!

It has been said that adjacend links should be separated with more then whitespace.

WCAG 10.5

Don't know if this is relevant for your audience.


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