I've noticed in the past a few times, but now more frequently, that people are replying to one thread but using that thread's same header to reply to other messages. I'm sure that the ones doing this aren't using thread mode in their email clients, but it does affect some of us. I don't want to read about CSS Columns in "X" site when I'm reading and thinking about accessibility issues in "Y" site.

Please, when you reply to a message, highlight the message you are responding to, click Reply in your client, and only use the resulting window to generate a response to that one message. If you click reply on a random message, wipe out the contents and reply to another's email *even if you change the message's subject line* it will still associate itself with another thread of discussion.

Sorry, had to get that out in the open :)


Ryan Christie

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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