Title: RE: [WSG] theage.com.au: new design


Justin wrote:
>> Firefox loses it's navigation bar
>> (left) when resized down from
>> 1024 to 800 wide
>> and
>> place a 1px border or padding on the left edge of the layout, which
>> will force your layout to disappear off the right edge of the window
>> only (not the left), which will mean the behaviour is "normal" for a
>> 1024 layout viewed at 800.

& Martin wrote:
>> strange behaviours happening with overlaps
>> and the left column disappearing out of the
>> viewport at sizes smaller than 800x600

I did see this before but figured it was something we'd (unfortunately) have to live with - but i've just implemented your suggestion Justin (HUGE thanks obviously! :) of a 1px padding on the left of the #wrap and firefox now looks to be behaving correctly, with no adverse affects on anything else : http://theage.com.au/

one thing though, as you scale your window down in Firefox, below 800 wide, you'll see the adverts keep drifting - and still cover up some content... any ideas let me know ;-)

how good is this list!


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