Hey Peter,

No it didnt work...
I added the code like you said.
But its not the problem.

it only happens with the 5th tab...
even if there are 7 tabs, only the 5th tab is effected...
no matter what content is written in that tab..

its really eating at my sanity.

but yeah.
RE: tab width...

I have styled the <a> tag to be the tab, not the <li>
so when i hover it changes appearance...
would making the LI a fixed witdth work?
And also - the LI is display: inline, and I have never seen widths set to inline elements before...

some things i just dont get!
Chris Stratford

Peter Firminger wrote:
Did my suggestion last night help?

	Hey everyone...
	this problem is still a problem for me...

	anyone have any suggestions??

	basically - I want to define the width of the tabs on my website...
	withouth havint to add a span...

Try something like this locally if you want to have different values for

<li style="width: 80px;"><a href="">Something</a></li>
<li style="width: 90px;"><a href="">Something</a></li>
<li style="width: 1000px;"><a href="">Something</a></li>


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