I do agree with the person that said you should go ahead and finish the
course work since you are already half way through it.

That said, from my experiences in the job market, what matters more than a
degree to potential employers is a good portfolio and experience working on

Certainly, the education can't hurt at all, but if I were you, I would start
building a portfolio now, whether it be freelance projects or freebie pages
for friends and family.


Will Chatham

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gabriel Vasquez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 2:39 AM
> Subject: [WSG] Is a degree necessary?
> Hi Everyone, I apologize if this is off topic but this is one 
> of the few places that I would be able to talk to web 
> designers and get their opinions on this.
> I've been attending school to get an Associates degree in 
> Digital Media. The program is 18 months and ranges from html 
> to 3d graphics. I'm already more than halfway through my 
> courses, but I find that I hit a road block; I'm not really 
> learning anything. We are just now getting into *basic* css, 
> and javascript in dreamweaver (which I already know how to 
> do, even though I prefer to hand-code). The program is now 
> focusing on 3D animation but that's really not what I'm into 
> at all. I just want to do web design: xhtml, css, 
> ECMAScript/DOM, etc. -- no more, no less. I don't feel I 
> should spend the money for something I'm not getting anything out of.
> My question to you is this: Do you think it would be wise for 
> me to finish the program and get the degree even though I'm 
> not learning what I want to be learning, or should I just 
> call it off and focus on web design?
> TIA in advanced for your feedback!
> Gabriel
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