On Fri, 14 May 2004 09:11:26 -0400, Barbara Dozetos wrote:
> Anyone have examples of calendars created with CSS?  I want to create 
> a calendar for our clients to see when we have training scheduled, 
> etc. and I'm curious to see what others have managed.

You know, while I wouldnt discourage the technical challenge, there 
*is* the argument that a calendar is tabular data! eg. 
Hmmm... that doesnt really cover it. Ummmm...
http://gammatron.novarese.net/2003/10/30.html (scroll down to the 
second entry)

~ bah, i hate it when google doesnt give me what I want!
Lea de Groot
Elysian Systems - http://elysiansystems.com/
Brisbane, Australia
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