
I've read the comments regarding table-less design and have looked at the
resources given.  I agree that it would be ideal to consign "tables for
layout" to the trash can and have built some sites that way already.

I have experimented for days, but have come to a grinding halt on a project
that's (surprise, surprise) easily done with a table and seemingly
impossible without.

Can anybody give me guidance on how to convert a layout like
www.bwdzine.com/table.html (the boxes on the light background) to pure CSS?
Or is this one of those cases where tables are sementically the right choice
anyway? (It is a catalogue of products)

The look was first set up on www.onepassionplace.com (I know it's tag-soup).
We're setting up a new site (database driven, which gets us away from FP)
and I want to do it "right".  Is abandoning tables here "mission

I have experimented with floating divs, but can't re-create the look.
Doesn't need to be pixel-perfect, but has to look tidy.  With floats of
different height, the neat rows are thrown into chaos

With divs of fixed height and overflow:auto we could end up with lots of
ugly scrollbars (or shortened descriptions with overflow:hidden).  See
www.bwdzine.com/divs2.html - increase font size to see the mess.

Any ideas / clean, working examples?

FWIW, I have no control over how much text would go in each box.  

Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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