Cite can be used as an 'element' or as an 'attribute'.

The cite element contains a citation or a reference to other sources. It is
an inline element:

<p>As <cite>Harry Potter</cite> said, <q lang="en-us">Look out!</q></p>

The cite attribute can be used with <blockquote>, <q>, <del> and <ins>

<p>Some text and <ins cite="url">additional text</ins> then more text.</p>

So, in regard to blockquotes, cite could be used in three main ways:

1. As an attribute for the blockquote:
<blockquote cite="url">

2. As an element to add meaning to the blockquote:
    <cite>Harry Potter</cite>

3. As an attribute that has been turned into a visible cite using attribute
selectors. This is not widely supported but possibly the most semantically
correct. More on this at Tony Stephens Blog-Fu:

The method you choose will depends on whether you need the citation visible
or not. In your case, adding a visible citation would definitely add
credibility to testimonials in my opinion, so I'd probably go for option 2.


> I've got no problem with blockquote, but my question is the use of cite - I
> know it is an inline element. Is there an equivalent block level element, or
> is there no need to use cite here?

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