Okay, I've put headings in now. I gave h1 and h2 the same styling. I was going to use your suggestion Nan of using classes (for the news items because I want them different to the h3 I'm going to use elsewhere in site) but I didn't need to because I'd already given the a in newsBox div the styling I wanted.

Thanks Nan and Russ.

Nan Zhong wrote:

Hello Cameron,

You could always use classes with your headings. So if there is one heading that appears more than once you could use, <h1 class="heading1"></h1> or something like that.

Nan Zhong

Cameron Muir wrote:

Thanks Russ,

The reason I did that was because I wanted to have the same formatting for headings that would appear more than once (on the homepage there is 'Welcome...' and 'News...' . Is it okay to have h1 more than once on the same page, or should I give h1, h2 and h3 the same style info?

Thanks again,

Russ Weakley - Maxdesign wrote:

Hi Cameron,

Always a good idea to turn of CSS and look at your page, or look at your
page in Lynx viewer (http://www.delorie.com/web/lynxview). These two method
will quickly give you feedback on whether the page has meaning without css.
If you look at the page, does each block of content have the correct

If you turn off CSS and look at your page you can see it lacks some degree
of structural markup...

Where possible, it is important to use headings rather than code like this:
<p class="heading">Welcome to the NSW Reconciliation Council</p>

Much better to do this:
<h1>Welcome to the NSW Reconciliation Council</h1>

Why? Paragraphs marked up as headings using CSS will only have meaning for
browsers that support the CSS. Any other browser or device may ignore the
CSS and therefore this content will not have any significant meaning.

This is the essence of semantically correct markup - wrapping content in the
most appropriate html element so it will have meaning in as many devices as

There two particular groups that will suffer particularly. Google and screen
readers. In fact, some users of screen readers navigate pages using
headings, so these paragraphs will not be treated as heading levels at all.

If it is any consolation I used to do this too.
A fellow structural sinner :)


Just wondering if anyone wants to check this site:

I was instructed to keep it close to the original:

It's still a draft and only the About link works. Haven't put access
keys in yet, and I don't think the text is dark enough.

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