Title: Message
Hi Sean,
Interesting.  Especially this bit:
    "For my new History Website redesign, I worked hard on creating a valid XHTML 1.0"
Allow me to quote this from Simplebits a month ago...
    "23. On May 6, 2004 8:08 PM, Dante said:
    D: Don’t use XHTML at all.
    Seriously though even if I was silly enough to be using xHTML I’d go with B.
    It’s hard for me to say because I’ll never ever need to use XHTML."
I guess a lot can change in a month, but nothing so drastically or as often as your opinions.  Oh and by the way, I think Jeffrey Zeldman was talking about you in his recent Daily Report where he mentions a certain someone on the discussion boards of A List Apart.  Not exactly the recognition you seem to consistently crave, but good job.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sean M. Hall AKA Dante
Sent: 04 June 2004 02:53
Subject: [WSG] CSS Disaster

"Dad, I'm not saying I wrecked the CSS.....but I'm gonna need a new stylesheet".

This is how I feel right now. For my new History Website redesign, I worked hard on creating a valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional structure consisting of semantic, organized markup. I validated tha markup and the CSS (which didn't validate cuz I use -moz-box-sizing). I worked hard, and even added a DOM-driven behaviour layer.

Opera 7.23 (IMHO, the best browser ever) renders it beautifully, as I expected. Opera 7.23 rewards me for my hard work, which is why I love it.

How does IE repay me? By not loading the bloody stylesheet at all (it does load the external .js file though). Period. Nein.

At first I though it was this:
@import url('screenstyles.css') screen;
I use single quotes so IE5/Mac won't see the stylesheet. But I switched to double quotes and still no luck. Removed the screen; part. Nein. not yet. Removed the conditional comments for IE in the head section: no, no, nein.

Almost all of my visitors use IE, and I have less than two weeks to solve the problem.

CSS is an excellent car, but IE is a broken muddy pothole-filled road.

Anyone know any bugs that prevent IE from loading a stylesheet?

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