I think the design is great, very clean and easy to read.  My only thought as far as 
standards go is that for the title 'SEOed.com' you could use:

<h1><span class="one">Seo</span><span class="one">ed</span><span 

instead of an image and format the text with CSS, using some spans to create the 
desired effect.

Just my $0.02...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Razvan Pop [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 1:18 AM
> Subject: [WSG] www.seoed.com - Please review
> Hello.
> http://www.seoed.com/
> Please take a look at my site and tell me what you think. :)
> I would like some more opinions regarding usability and accessibility.
> I look forward for your feedback. Site in 90% finished.
> *****************************************************
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> for some hints on posting to the list & getting help
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The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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