Looks like a neat solution to me

Neerav Bhatt
Web Development & IT consultancy
Mobile: +61 403 8000 27

Miles Tillinger wrote:
Is there an accepted number format for ordered lists?  When using ordered lists in a 
structured document, e.g. a Policy or Standards document, I'm using the following 
numbering format:

ol li {
        list-style-type: decimal;

ol li li {
        list-style-type: lower-alpha;

ol li li li {
        list-style-type: lower-roman;

which gives the output:

        1. Level One
                a) Level Two
                b) Level Two
                        i) Level Three
                        ii) Level Three
                c) Level Two
        2. Level One
        1. Level One
                a) Level Two
                b) Level Two
                        i) Level Three
                        ii) Level Three
                c) Level Two
        2. Level One

So parts of the document can be referenced as 1.2 section a item i, which seems pretty 
messy...  There probably isn't a standard as such, but if there is I can't find any 
reference to it.


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