
You're going well. I'm in the Blue Mountains and belong to a bushcare group, so it's great to see you doing this. Combines two of my passions!

I've posted your page (minus pictures) in which I've made quite a number of changes to your code (on the way to finding out what was going on with your list). But I haven't fixed everything.

It's worth bearing in mind that with a little bit of thought you can often get rid of your classes for specific items.

For example, I noticed that you had a class called a.normal. You don't need this if you use cascading properties. (You'll notice that it's gone from the css. The reason is that I have made the uls in the topnav and bottomnav specific to those boxes. You do this by naming them #topnav ul, for example, so they will apply only to uls inside the topnav.)

Following from this I've set the "#mainarea a" to what you had set to "normal".

The image and caption you floated to the right I have renamed "callout", because in future you may not want to float it right as you have... so it's more of a functional than a layout meaning. You'll see that I've stripped the p of its "class='small'" tag, because the #callout p now has a size applied to it.

You'll notice I've also got rid of the borderless img class. Instead I've created an img rule at the top of the CSS that will apply to all imgs, with a border set to 0.

I've conflated a few of the rules, too. You'll see things like "#navtop ul, #navbottom ul". This is an easy way to apply the same rules to different elements.

You should continue to work through your code with these principles in mind. Get rid of those in-line styles around the weed of the month, for example. Get rid of the "vspace" on your Wentworth Falls picture. Tidy up your footer html and css to get rid of extra classes and nbsps, and remove your border=0 stuff. (Why not set one font size for all of your footer info?)

But as I say, you're going well! And as time goes on you'll refine your skills.

All the best -Hugh Todd

PS The form may need to be enclosed in <p> tags to validate.

After much hard work, I've got a reconstructed Home Page working in Mozilla
Firefox 0.8, IE 6 and Opera 7.23 on Win XP Pro - except that the unordered
list in the main text area only displays its squares (list-style-type) in

Any tips as to how I can get them to show in the others?

The new page (CSS embedded) is at:

Also I've got a problem with showing labels in the search form. Not sure why
I'm not complying there.

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