On 16 Jun 2004, at 06:19, Bert Doorn wrote:

Whatever the technique, using images for headings is, to me, backward,
"pixel perfect", print thinking.
Perhaps I am a lone voice in the desert, but why go back to 1990's style
websites when we have CSS?

Because if we really on styling alone, as we all know, one's headings are limited to the type faces installed on the user's machine. In the real world that will not be acceptable to paying clients, and neither should it be, Many clients want their website to be an extension of their offline brand. If their offline branding uses Rotis Sans (or an expensively created bespoke face) for all the main headings then it stands to reason that face should be reflected on the website too. Visual identity IS that important in the outside world.

But I'm sure this argument has gone round and round a million times so I'll leave it there.

Rich www.clagnut.com

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